Equal Rights Amendment

The Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was first proposed in 1923 by activist Alice Paul, who believed that only through its provisions could women obtain equal rights throughout the United States. It was brought before Congress every year until 1972, when it was approved and sent to the states. A time limit, unusual in the world of Constitutional Amendments, was attached, however, requiring ratification by the states within seven years. Although this was extended until 1982, by then only thirty-five of the necessary thirty-eight states had ratified, and it did not become law.

Here we see women at a rally in support of the Equal Rights Amendment in Detroit’s Kennedy Square, June 30, 1981.


Images from the collection of The Virtual Motor City: Images From the Detroit News: c) 2003 Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University. All images associated with the Virtual Motor City Collection are protected by United States copyright law. Duplication or sale of all or part of any of the data or images is not permitted without consent of the copyright holder 1) ID 35127_1

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